Is a Blot enough? #poetry #photography

Long awaited drop

falls from the limb

I watch

all I want to do is cry


weak arms

cannot stretch

the distance

that one drop can fall


frantic appeal

into darkness’ night

impotent to aid

the one I love


“why” I beg

when others needed aid

I was there

but not for her


Place a shield

around her now

dawn will come

filled with light’s warmth


give her strength

draw away the pain

feed her need

blot out  her …

An excellent shot Photography: “The World in A Drop” by Damien Franco

5 thoughts on “Is a Blot enough? #poetry #photography

  1. I wondr what it is about us…that we cannot accept the limits of our own being…we sometimes cannot be everywhere we should be nor do everything we wish to..enjoyed reading your poem this Monday afternoon.


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