Looking Back #suffering #hope

Behind me

shadows of frozen pain

I choose to forget

It was many winters ago now. Life was empty and what little I had was slipping through my fingers. “You have cancer” were words I could not bear to add to my void.

The scepter of fear wanted to rob days and precious memories that might be the last with young children.

Hope comes in strange forms as does healing.

The hospital I was admitted to was an Oasis for those with little to cling to.

This week I lost my little sister to Cancer. Her fingers slowly lost grip of this life. She was cheerful at the end and surrounded by love.

He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power.

~Hebrews 1:3

We have no control or our days or when they might slip away but we have a hope in Christ. He cures the sick, the suffering and the person in bondage.

Butterfly Fever #covid19 #children

Bethany has been sick with butterfly fever. No one knows how to take care of this. She does not want me to get it though I don’t think a lion can get a butterfly sickness. She is in a butterfly tree -all alone.
At first I was afraid and reminded of how lonely I was without my family. But then I heard a kind voice in the breeze.

“Judah be strong and of good courage do not fear nor be afraid of these things.”
“But how can strength and courage help when my best friend is very sick?”
“The Lord God goes with you (and with your friend). He will not leave you alone. He will not forsake her.”
“So right now God you are taking care of Bethany for me?
“Yes, Judah it is in my promise.”
“I guess courage can sometimes mean we trust God not ourselves. This butterfly sickness has me worried, but you God are stronger than any sickness!!!”

We have friends right now in many countries. The US, Uganda, other parts of Africa, the Middle East.
Some of our friends (like Bethany) are sick and cant get to the doctor. We pray for them and the God who heals and preserves those who are weak that He will be there as He promises.

Other friends can’t get food even when there is supposed to be food given to them (even in the distant villages.)

And there are those who know of the needs who have hope and a little extra  food who are going to these remote areas.

Judah’s verse is found in Deuteronomy 31:6: “Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.”

Lost #poetry #faith #photography

I stumbled over the covered path

my footfalls lacking ease

my eyes were tumbling waterfalls

 I lacked a sense of peace

where am I going?

Where have I been?

no one in the ether

I’m truely lost again

Once I knew so clearly

now in a matchless fog

desperate for direction

I fear there is no God

I looked up from my sorrow

a distant focal light

I gazed not at my footing

aiming for clear sight

I barefoot in green pastures

 lightened of my load

Jesus bought my sorrows

treasures beyond untold

turn your eyes upon Jesus

look full in His wonderful face

the trials that hold you back

filled instead with love and grace



The Song Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus by Helen Lemmel 

Chorus: Turn Your eyes upon Jesus

look full in hIs wonderful face

and the things of earth will grow strangely dim

in the light of His glory and Grace.


Unseen Treasure #poetry #love #sea

 Rush of turbulent waves

overtake the sandy bits

I am a mere grain

hidden in the drifts

 One who sees beyond

how does He know

the deeps where I lay

His love never shifts

for treasure digging deep

it’s hard for us to grasp

open empty hands

filled with love at last


Photo: “Art in the Sand”  ©moondustdesigns 2019

Seek and You Will Find #poetry

looking for

You cant see my toes

squish, wiggle in the sand

and where the tuba blows

Ill whistle with the band

you cant know my thoughts

though a smile you might see

some things can be taught

not my giggle and  glee

you wont hear the whispered hush

goodness daily do I pray

God is where I put my trust

each and every day

and with much hope

courage for the King

if I have one vote

its to serve Him faithfully


Art:  Winslow Homer “Boys Wading” photo taken at National Gallery of Art


Cross Roads #sundaydevotion


Life’s road  uneven

filled with pain

I’ve know the sting

of sin’s dark reign


the fork it beckoned

from afar

succumbed to flesh

I see the scars


His light it shines

in darkest place

removes the stain

no one can trace


I gladly trudge

this burden bear

to heaven’s cross road

my savior’s there!



“A highway will be there, a roadway, And it will be called the Highway of Holiness. The unclean will not travel on it, But it will be for him who walks that way, And fools will not wander on it.”

Isaiah 35:8

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

Matthew 11:28

 “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

Matthew 28:20

Life’s Road is filled with rocks and uneven spots. Some days we have little strength to crawl. Though this life is tough, Jesus promises that He is there to walk over the toughest terrain  (carrying us if need be).

Sharing with God Interest


Wee Faith #children #sundaydevotion #Uganda

Under the mango we sing

95 little voices in praise

love the same in any language

standing tall like a tree

crouching small like a bug

marching around Jericho

searching for a lost lamb

faith in a lion’s den

protection in a furnace

God has a great plan

Jesus is there in a small village

 children worship under a mango tree



Refuge #Uganda #Acholi #South Sudan #refugees

Refuge – A Safe Place

One day where a pair of feet stand

many feet will be running

 where there a few huts there will be many

the spade of hope has pierced this ground

the seed of the future has been planted

songs will be sung, children will be safe

all because of the faith of a few men

I wish I could paint a picture of what this Acholi land will look like one day. I heard the plan and I believe many children’s lives will never be the same because a few men (who understand what is like to be refugees) prayed.

According to PRI more than 2000 South Sudanese are fleeing to Uganda daily. Uganda is one of three countries taking in a massive number of refugees.