Jolted Asleep #atozchalllenge #dreams

I felt jinxed, high-jacked, juxtapositioned with another person in the double -helixed dimension of realities.

It had to be a bend in time or worlds or something.

My hands could not move to examine the note but I was able to read the note over and over again. My senses were on high alert. I was looking for clues, foul play, anything….

Words that stood out : Poison, Clock Ticking, Get Help

I tried moving more than once but could not.

I have had a few dreams that seem like I have to do something


I was always able to rouse myself if the dream was freaking me out. Like NOW!!!

“She’s so peaceful, she looks like she’s dead.”

“Look there is a slight rising of her chest.”

Someone touched me and was flung 20 feet away from me.

“She must have some kind of magic protection around her.”

Protection could be a good thing or a bad thing I frowned. If I need help from someone, how will they break the barrier?” If only I knew what poison…

Just then I started watching me – that queer out of body view from above. I was breathing regularly so it wasnt ____ .My skin was not jaundiced rather it was a natural color… check.  I was not numb so it can’t be___.  I was super thirsty???

“Well duh you would be too… but listen you are in a coma your body doesn’t metabolize normally. And you always crave Pepsi – Always!”

I was glad that  I had done some pharmacology studies including illicit drugs.  My boyfriend, Bobby, who jilted me sophomore year was obsessed with forensics, so was I.

“Think you have to get this poison thing right.” I felt like telling myself “then what???”

What I needed was a good hug from myself right now.

I also realized that I needed to figure out who this princess character that I was impersonating was.

I had plenty of time on my hands – tho my hands would apparently be of little help.

This is my installation for the “J” portion of A to Z Challenge where 1800 writers are running about trying to find letters to fit there stories (I mean stories to fit letters ). Last week’s started the story with “Dreamer”; next Wednesday will continue this dreaming princess nonsense…

I recently started following talented artist Arna Baartz. This watercolor “Water Girl” seems to speak of a watery, dreamlike state. You can see more of Arna’s work here. Thank you Arna for the opportunity to show off your work.

The Tears of a Poet (One Shot Wednesday)

One  Stop Poetry is a community where writers and poets can share their work weekly and get feedback from others. Please join us at One Shot Wednesday.

Fell down on the paper


than she could

wipe them away


She whispered

“Oh please

stop falling

pain go away”


The words

heard her call

and saw each

tear fall


“What can we do

to ease her pain?”

they wondered

watching another fall


Then it happened

they became

a beautiful

watercolor of words


She looked down

at loving devotion


poetic words

Thanks to Spettacolopuro for the photo
