Dying Rose #poetry

dying rose

Their story went something like this:

they were desperately happy

every moment they shared was wrapped in satin ribbons

that they pulled open together

laughter and love was always in full bloom

their arms ached when they were apart

but like any story there was one blight on their happiness

it was a weed that he had nurtured thinking it was a flower

it had been beautiful once

but the thorns bore a poison

the more you were pricked the closer you were to death

the weed held back the poison so that he would die more slowly

it was payment for his kindness

 he watched love get brown edged like a dying rose

she cried out, “help me, remove the weed.

We will both be spared”

In the end, she tearfully whispered, “spare yourself

death has pierced my heart”

his weeping cleared his eyesight

he realized that the weed was ugly and malicious

but it was too late

she had taken the beautiful  life wrapped in ribbons

and so a broken spirit (not the poison)  claimed his life

the weed no longer had anyone to suck life from

 she became one dead stalk of thorns

the sun and the moon sighed as one

“laughter has fled

along with the fragrance of spring”