The Spoils of Suicide


It’s all around. It lurks in the corners and alleyways of hearts and minds. It is an obsession for some; a passing fancy for others. It wants to grasp hold of our youth and pull them under. There is no air below the surface of suicide; it consumes and gives nothing in return.

. Walk down the hallways of a school campus. What words are written on the walls and on notebooks?

“I hate life.”

” I want to die.”

“There is nothing worth living for.”

“No one Cares!”

On any given day in a hospital Emergency Room you can hear the urgency of a team trying to revive and keep a suicide attempt alive.

Everyone has days where it seems like the walls are closing in. Most people have learned to cope with “down” days. Teens don’t realize “down” is as normal as “up”. They have no way to deal with discouragement, boredom, feelings of worthlessness.

Our society needs to find a way to offer help. Share a common interest, listen, go to coffee, write poetry together. Let teens discover it is okay to have doubts, fears, and questions.

Otherwise what is our option: A world devoid of creative minds. A society depleted of a future.

One thought on “The Spoils of Suicide

  1. Today, hate is passed around on line. Kids are not only bullied IN school and when they are outside but they are now tortured on line. The suffering this causes can’t be measured. Kids telling someone she should kill herself because she’s so ugly. The meanness, of all of this, is just horrifying. Awful photographs of teens spread on line. Media has made life unbearable for a lot of teens, for a lot of people. I don’t think it can be stopped, unless there are legal and severe consequences for those who stalk and torture other kids with hate…purposely trying to destroy the lives of others. When kids kill themselves for these reasons, it’s murder. So many children have been pushed over the edge by this relentless hateful, targeted behavior.


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