Thirsty #earthquake #turkey #relief #prompt

This is the prompt from Hosted by John Holton

  1. Write a post based on the word thirsty.
  2. Write a post in exactly 8 sentences.
  3. Write about an interaction you had with a salesman.
  4. If you could only focus on three things in life and pursue them fully, leaving everything else, what would they be and why?
  5. Tell us about the most exhausted you’ve ever felt.
  6. Tell us about a place you’ve visited that felt magical to you.

When I met Mohamad, he was nine years old. What a smile that kid had on his face. I knew he and his sisters were thirsty, so I opened water bottles for each of them. Mohammad helped us unload the car. We had oil, flour, beans, jugs of water, soap, and a bag of sweets. His mama brought us chai and we heard the miraculous story…

“When the earth began to shake, I ran out of the building; I guess I wasn’t thinking. Before my family could move, the walls fell; they were trapped. A wall collapsed on my son. My wife refused to leave him.

“No, mama, you must get the children out. I will be okay,” Mohamad called out.

My wife and our four daughters crawled through a small hole I had dug. I yelled for help. Men who had safely gotten out came to help get Mohamed from under the wall before the building came down. We drove him to the hospital in a car that was half its normal height; pieces of building had crushed it. Mohamad lost his leg that night, and we had a baby girl in his hospital room the next morning. Because of our dear Mohamad, our baby lived.” (the temperatures in Hatay were below freezing)

I had ignored that I was thirsty while we worked in the hot, unhealthy earthquake zone. I couldn’t think about myself there were too many refugees who needed our help. When my husband finally dragged me to a clinic, I was exhausted and severely dehydrated.  I would do it again in a heartbeat. I just need water!

One of my roles is working with refugees. I’m a retired nurse, and I teach and run supplies. I love people in the world.

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