Weekly Photo Challenge “In The Background” #photography #B&W #poetry

Lurking in the background

just beyond my sight

is a shadowy presence

 evokes in me much fright


will darkness creep still slowly?

passing through the gate

what is it dark is holding?

I gasp at what’s at stake


Please bar the door – protect us

do not unleash the beast

can’t you hear it gnashing

thinking me its feast?


Lurking in the background

just beyond my sight

is a shadowy presence

 will I last the night?

This week’s prompt at WordPress’ photo challenge is “In the background”

There are always wonderful stories just out of reach for the viewer In the Background. Please enjoy delightful photography from the weekly photo challenge.

Do you enjoy a dark fiction? Pen of the Damned offers some exceptional writing in the dark/horror genre each Tuesday

Photograph” “Between the Lines” copyright L. Moon 2011

10 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge “In The Background” #photography #B&W #poetry

    1. Last weekend my dahtegur and 2 of the grandsons went to the cabin for the clam tides. They were evening digs this time and we got to the cabin just in time to unload everything, get a fire going and be ready to leave for the dig. The weather couldn’t have been more perfect, only slight wind and even though it was cold the sun was welcome. The surf was low and more playful than serious for an ocean beach. It is my job to find the holes while the others dig. While I went about the hunt I thought about the harvest and what we would enjoy from it. We got our 4 limits in less than an hour. Once we were back to a warm cabin it was time for dinner and a couple of movies.Gentle breezeOver frolicking wavesClam chowderThe next morning we planned our day with a walk to the docks, another movie and be loaded up and locked down to head to the beach late afternoon for the next dig and leave for home right from the beach. The weather was even better this second day and again we found an abundance of holes to dig. Before we were limited I had everyone stop to watch the flaming winter sun as it dropped beyond the horizon and spread itself over the water, just as the last clam was dropped into the bag. Oh, the richness of treasures nature has to show if we but just take notice.Liquid sunPours into the seaHeading home


  1. , it can be 3-5-3 or 5-7-5 if you want a structure to it, but not alywas needed to stick to it.You’re right, here at the Heights, we do see people doing two or more 3 line stanzas. I still prefer a single one, as I find it in spirit of haiku, but I don’t object as long as it’s under 17 syllables most stanzas. 🙂 If I do find it too much, I would inform and then remove the link from the Inlinkz widget.


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