Fire #atozchallenge #child’splay #Uganda

Fire is not a good thing where I live. We don’t have firetrucks or firemen. I remember one fire that was set on purpose. I was a small child in K level. We had real desks, our own books, and pencils to write with.

While we were having our tea, our teacher noticed smoke coming from the schoolroom. He ran back waving his arms “Fire – quick bring water.”

The children pumped water and took it to the building while the youth and the teachers went inside trying to save school supplies and desks. We didn’t have much time to think. Some adults walking on the road stopped to watch. They didn’t offer to help. That day, my school burned to the ground because someone was jealous that we had a school to learn in.

Please check out the April Blogging from A to Z Challenge

One with the Dirt

Elements of life

took me down

harshness in words

I’m one with the ground


I have not resigned

my life to this

there has to be more

something that I’ve missed


So -Life is not fair

a fact well known

the dirt a symbol

difficulties sown


There is always hope

at last I see

freedom  and sunshine

flowing over me


Thanks to – mscaprikell for the photo “The Ground”