Staccato #poetry #devotion #photography

quickly you crack the whip

knocking over what was once precious

valuables turned to dust

your mark permanent

quickly you crack the whip

over me you lord superiority

dealing the final card

I have lost everything

quickly you crack the whip

mutilated beyond recognition

all that’s left is a pool of blood

you were once my friend

In the Bible, James 3 talks about the tongue:

” But no human being can tame the tongue.It is a restless evil full of deadly poison.”

Unbridled, our tongue can be quick to lash out perhaps destroying another with our words. What would the world today be like if everyone used their words to soothe and encourage? It can start with us.

“Love provided me with a tongue and tears”

~ Gibran

Give me love

flowing stream in the desert

words of kindness


Devotion shared with Godinterest