Despite Life’s Storms…Committed #poetry #haibun

forest path


One day from Japan to Guam, a P-3 crew of 12 flew into a tempest. In the face of death, some grasped for metal others crumpled straws; I held to confidence in my God. For hours we were tossed like a mere play thing; it seemed impossible that a craft could hold together against such force. As the storm lifted and just above the ocean we drifted, we beheld the most glorious image. All of nature awakened beneath a glorious, golden halo: Whales blew plumes of water, dolphins played on the surface, flying fish pirouetted in a dance with the waves.


eye of the storm

man clings to any hope

nature’s beauty emerges

I can’t paraphrase what the journey committed to God is like. For each pilgrim it is different. But this one thing I can say – no matter the sorrow, no matter the pain when the storm has passed there’s a beauty unclaimed.

The prompt at Poet’s United is “Committed.” What are you committed to no matter the cost?

“A Glimpse to the other side” is a more complete “story” that I wrote several years ago logging this day.


26 thoughts on “Despite Life’s Storms…Committed #poetry #haibun

  1. Gosh! Commitment is on every level of this poem–it has no beginning and no end, and we’re never alone. We might copy the water creatures and celebrate our immersion!


  2. Moonie, a grand air borne haibun_!
    __ What remains, is the hope of passing through that storm’s eye, and gain that eye’s renewal of faith, to face the other side. _m

    storms eye
    we grasp our stable faith
    holding course


  3. Beautiful poem, and love the story behind it. In each journey, there may be storms but it is hope that can get us through it all. It is then that we appreciate the calm after the storm so much more 🙂


  4. Our eyes certainly see the beauty of life after an experience such as this. If only we could hold thatscene for the rest of our lives to always comfort us. Beautifully told.


  5. What a miraculous experience – and poem – not many of us have to endure such moments but there is a kind of ultra-reality feeling when life is on an edge that a whale plume seems to highlight – the world always has a way of helping us perhaps..or maybe when we are ready we see the good things for ourselves


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