Elephant #uganda #atozchallenge

I imagine an elephant’s journey on paper

the sun sets on pre-safari day

sharing dirt road with a magnificent beast

look at his ears for a sign

it’s hard not to smile

 as John retells the story

“Noah calls

there’s an elephant chasing me

what do I do”?”



 interested in food

dry land crunches beneath feet

no race today

Thanks to my friend John Pipes who so willingly shares his photography. He also tells a fine story – Im sure you’d agree.

This photo is at the entrance to Murchison Falls National Park

Art: “Elephants” Moondust Designs ©2016


20 thoughts on “Elephant #uganda #atozchallenge

  1. Hey Dearie, I like the way you transposed the elephants onto your photo – very nice job! I like the poem contribution, too. I think I’d run if an elephant was chasing me, too. They are such big animals! John’s photograph of the elephant looks a lot like my sketch, isn’t that neat? Thanks for sharing and for visiting my Art Sketching Through the Alphabet with the letter “E” (elephant, eagle, elk)! Have an electric day a2zing!


    1. Us too!! I have always dreamed of going to be with elephants. Come visit our blog onceuponalife17.wordpress.Com
      It should work if you search it in the search bar.


  2. I love the simplicity of your poetry. Have you heard of African Praise Poems? Our family started doing that for some of our elderly members and it is a moving experience – the poems are kind of like yours.


  3. Hi. I really really like elephants. Lately I have been wanting more and more to go visit them. You are so lucky!! Your poetry is beautiful and humorous
    Thank you


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