The Last Piece #Christmas #Flashfiction


“I’m always last,” the piece of chocolate thought.

Every year it’s always the same- She says, “Oh I like the caramel.” He exclaims, over the rum center, “Cheers.”

My dearest friend Molasses chip (Molly) tells me, with a mouth-watering smile, that I am fortunate. “You always get to see them open the presents, carve the turkey, and toast the day.” I only hear about the celebration from you!

So this year, I am bound and determined to keep my eye on the mistletoe and catch the sweethearts so that I can tell Molly about that celebration too.

Here’s to you fellow chocolates.


This flash fiction is in response to the prompt over at  100 Word Challenge for Grownups 

She Tasted like Candy

This girl made my mouth water.

When I heard her name, my head would spin.

You don’t understand-my life was so mundane.

One day a week she would make all the difference in my world.

She really wasn’t that special, but to me she was all I would live for from Saturday to Saturday.

My lips would start feeling her against mine by Wednesday.

I would tell myself  “you need to get over this obsession – move on.”

When Saturday came, I was her faithful follower.

She knew I was coming.

I always wondered if she cared.

I was past caring though- for me I had to have her

to experience the ecstasy

of an entire hour with my luscious five-cent peppermint stick.

For more Theme Thursday stories

I Took It!

I took it!

No – I didn’t steal

not a cent

you offered it to me

for real!


like my favorite scent

which flower

I”m not  sure

give me a moment

I know it’s a type of  fleur


Memories of the five and dime

candy for a cent

beauty in every sweet

can taste those flavors yet


a fragrance greater  than a rose

desire beyond  confectionary treat

it was your love you sent

most  fragrant and sweet