Plum Memory #tanrenga

plum fllowers

a child’s memory

sweet is her pink fruit smile

leg, hands and limbs (mdw)

where the waters flow afar
the village glows with sweet plum flowers


The Tan Renga challenge (from Kristjaan Panneman) is to build a haiku off the two lined stanza. A great challenge as we usually build off the body of a poem in a Tan Renga – join us.


The photo was part of the Tan Renga prompt.

Eye of the Beholder #poetry #photography #art


I was born for the shadows

 form hidden by sepia day

… is in the eye of the beholder

do they really mean what they say?

catch me on the cold nights

basking in the sun

I and the moon’s reflection

dancers we are one

you can never touch me

but you can always try

reach into tomorrow

beauty is in the …

Moon light silhouette


I just found this wonderful Shadow Dancer prompt offered by Bastet at Mind love miserys menagerie. The photography (top) is by Nickolas Muray  . The photograph below is my shot of a whimsical sculpture in the National Gallery of Art.



Weekly Photo Challenge “Forward – The Challenge” #poetry #photography #philosophy #parenting

Ripples of Life

Take this stone

throw it

create a beginning

moving outward

fluid concentricity

touches more points

as it moves

light catcher

shape tracker

moves images

a sunken piece of mass

inspires me

to move




As you  move forward what is it in the past that propelled you? Fear, a challenge, a friend, an enemy, money, debt…?

Was your move forward physical, spiritual?

Alone I never feared change or forward motion. For me “Forward” is a march toward adventure. As a mother, that move forward presents a different challenge. The ripple of the circle in the water reminds me of the move forward. It’s a challenge  when it involves others (those we love). There are edges of the circle (consequences) I cannot see or foresee.   The best I can do is hope (and pray) that those I love will weather the forward moving ripples in their paper boat of life.

HOW do the ripples inspire you???

WordPress’ Weekly Photo Challenge: In a new post specifically created for this challenge, share a picture that says FORWARD to you.

Perhaps it’s a path you yourself have taken, the building where you’re starting a great new job, or the curve of your partner’s pregnant belly. It could be an image that shows a physical move, or something that evokes a major life change. We look forward (ha!) to your interpretations.

Photograph: “Ripples of Life” copyright 2012 L. Moon