Life of the Party (Flash Friday)

You have so much pent up energy, life and pizzazz.

You are the life of every party.

You sparkle and you glisten.

Many will be mesmerized by your inexplicable charm and beauty.

The most finely dressed men hold you with honor as they set you down, carefully open you, pop the cork, and say cheers.

For more excellent Flash Fiction go to G-Man

Just want to be Loved (55)

Empty nights

gray days

she waited patiently

hope in hand

She imagined

Tall handsome man

Would carry her away

From this world

One day he came

Blue eyes and kind

bringing years’ worth of gifts

Alimony was behind

She flew into his arms

Tears glistened

Daddy was home

For this day she had been waiting


Gotta go to Mr Know it All — He has it All in 55!

The Edge of the Earth (Flash Fiction)

I was there before I knew it

The edge of the earth

“How do I hold on?” I gasped

For there is nothing at the edge

but an empire of emptiness, magnificent to behold

It beckons to the onlooker- unaware. There is a type of danger there.

Alas – nothing there to love and hold


For more wonderful Flash Fiction stories go to G-Man