My Lovely Shadow

I was taking a late lunch so that I could enjoy the park alone. Today I left my ipad at work and grabbed the suspense novel Vigilante by Claude Bouchard. It was a page turner unfortunately my work didn’t allow me to turn many pages. As intent as I was in Vigilante,   I looked up sensing a shift in the light. I was Thinking it may be a storm looming ahead. Then I saw you; I didn’t see you but rather an image of you. You were no storm cloud. I could have been dreaming but I wasn’t. How could a shadow be so beautiful? Flowing skirt, long tresses of hair caught in the breeze. You could have been young or old. It didn’t matter if you had wrinkles or freckles; for I was entranced by something about you. An inner glow, soft and elusive. Like a specter that might lure it’s victim, I felt magnetically pulled to follow – I did.

The light played with your form but could never  displace it’s perfection. If only I could paint the colors that were intertwined with your image – greens, one moment, blues, pinks, yellows the next.

I wanted to shout “don’t leave me behind- I must hold you just one time!”

At that moment, you darted beneath the trees; your shadow – my shadow was gone. I was startled as I stopped and looked up – there in front of me was the form, the illusion. No longer a shadow. Warmth and sunshine emanated from your being. Men would have gladly paid homage to behold one of your smiles. Though I have a post doctoral degree,  I could not summon the words that I needed to say to revere your essence. I smiled and then uttered a simple “hello.” You generously offered a “hello” in return. You were dressed in a blue that made your eyes look like gems set in a perfect face. The breeze was palying with your long, wavy. My eyes wanted to linger on your lips but were drawn to the shape under a filmy blue. Ahhhh -Intoxicating warmth flowed in the air. My head was spinning and I was trying to regain composure and focus on your face. Why? Tell me what is so bad about loving a shadow? I reached out my hand and you clasped it. Soft and confident was that grasp.

And so began a different type of page turner; the journey with my lovely shadow.

Claude Bouchard is a fantastic writer and has a series of page turners on the market.The first in a series is entitled Vigilante. For more information  go to Claude’s  Website bigceebee.webs.comor….

and so ladies and gentlemen this is another in a series of prompts by Theme Thursday. Please read more in blue.

12 thoughts on “My Lovely Shadow

  1. What a beautiful story about getting to know yourself and what better way then to learn about your shadow. Your shadow is always with you, but how often do we bother to actually look at it or to even truly see it.

    This makes me want to go outside and see my shadow and introduce myself to it. Although I would be a little freaked if I heard a voice say “Hello.” I am not even sure I pay much attention to other people’s shadows. I guess I need to start doing that.

    Thanks for a thought provoking TT.

    God bless.


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