Clouds #onewordprompt #poetry

breaking through clouds

my eyes radiate your blue

toes long to dance on white fluffiness

fingers spin imaginary cotton candy

 tease us as you form animal shapes

dancing on sky’s dance floor with ease

elusive are your sweet offerings

What do you think of when you behold clouds?


Today’s One word prompt at WordPress  is Clouds

Chinese Bellflower #haiku #poem



You hide a star

delicate your blue bell rings

chinese lantern

The prompt for Carpe Diem is Chinese Bell Flower or Paper Flower. I was unfamiliar but entranced with this beauty.

Photograph Attribution: By Becks [CC-BY-2.0 (, via Wikimedia Commons


“Red” is in this Season #prose #socialism #photography

red head

“You look good in red,” all the store clerks said as they gathered round admiring their work.

I shook my head and pointed, “I like that one!”

It was the same coat just in a rich royal blue.

“No, that was last season’s coat. It is not for you.”

I pulled the coat up next to my skin. My blue eyes became more vibrant.

“Yes. I like the blue.” My eight- year- old spirit was not going to be railroaded.

“We could not possibly sell this coat to you,”  the clerk shook his head firmly at my mama.

“Then I will have none,” I stomped out of the store.

It was that way all over town. It was as if everyone had swallowed the same bitter pill.

“This season’s color is red,” she pointed at a red dress.

“This season’s color is red,” he pointed at a red chapeau.

“I want blue!” I pointed at a blue cap on a mannequin in a dusty corner.

In walked a little girl the same age as myself. She carried herself like a soldier at eight.

“There it is,” she smiled like a snake at the last blue hat in the store.

The store clerk gladly pulled the hat off the mannequin.

“It needs red.”

The girl looked at me from the corner of her eye, as she pulled out an emblem of red to be sewn on her hat.

“Do it quickly,” the girl clapped her hands in a practiced motion.

A clerk rushed to the back to have the emblem sewn on.

I walked out of the store. “So this is how it is.”

The general’s daughter could have whatever she wanted: drives in fancy cars, ice cream at the confectioner’s shop, and a blue coat and hat.

I went back to the first shop.

“I would like three of those red coats, please.”

At the next shop: ” I would like four of those red dresses, please.”

“Yes, five red chapeaux s’il vous plait. No need for an emblem. It will wear one soon enough.”

I will hate the color red. I will dye the underneath of each garment a different color. I will never have the cold heart of a militant marionette. Not even when I turn nine.

“My blood underneath will still run blue,” I smiled.




My Lovely Shadow

I was taking a late lunch so that I could enjoy the park alone. Today I left my ipad at work and grabbed the suspense novel Vigilante by Claude Bouchard. It was a page turner unfortunately my work didn’t allow me to turn many pages. As intent as I was in Vigilante,   I looked up sensing a shift in the light. I was Thinking it may be a storm looming ahead. Then I saw you; I didn’t see you but rather an image of you. You were no storm cloud. I could have been dreaming but I wasn’t. How could a shadow be so beautiful? Flowing skirt, long tresses of hair caught in the breeze. You could have been young or old. It didn’t matter if you had wrinkles or freckles; for I was entranced by something about you. An inner glow, soft and elusive. Like a specter that might lure it’s victim, I felt magnetically pulled to follow – I did.

The light played with your form but could never  displace it’s perfection. If only I could paint the colors that were intertwined with your image – greens, one moment, blues, pinks, yellows the next.

I wanted to shout “don’t leave me behind- I must hold you just one time!”

At that moment, you darted beneath the trees; your shadow – my shadow was gone. I was startled as I stopped and looked up – there in front of me was the form, the illusion. No longer a shadow. Warmth and sunshine emanated from your being. Men would have gladly paid homage to behold one of your smiles. Though I have a post doctoral degree,  I could not summon the words that I needed to say to revere your essence. I smiled and then uttered a simple “hello.” You generously offered a “hello” in return. You were dressed in a blue that made your eyes look like gems set in a perfect face. The breeze was palying with your long, wavy. My eyes wanted to linger on your lips but were drawn to the shape under a filmy blue. Ahhhh -Intoxicating warmth flowed in the air. My head was spinning and I was trying to regain composure and focus on your face. Why? Tell me what is so bad about loving a shadow? I reached out my hand and you clasped it. Soft and confident was that grasp.

And so began a different type of page turner; the journey with my lovely shadow.

Claude Bouchard is a fantastic writer and has a series of page turners on the market.The first in a series is entitled Vigilante. For more information  go to Claude’s  Website bigceebee.webs.comor….

and so ladies and gentlemen this is another in a series of prompts by Theme Thursday. Please read more in blue.

Calm (a poem)

The perfect day

may come and go

but on the shore

I’m free to roam

Most everyday

I hear the sea

quiet lapping

calls to me

I want to dance

splash in the sun

feel the water

laugh,  have fun

The blue  calm

each mid-day

gives  ease

puts concerns  away

So will you come

to visit me

in a quaint town

by the sea?

Photograph: “Menai Strait- Wales”   L. Moon