Looking Beyond #poetry #aviation #columbusday

airplane engine


First day on the job

put away the dog eared manuals

unbutton the cowling

I muse:

she’s bigger in real life than the pictures

“no, I don’t need a rag

I’m not afraid of a little grease”

my hands caress her

cutting myself on a sharp edge

first blood spilt

I smile as my blood merges with oil

reminds me when friends became pinky pals

each day was an adventure

each flight paradise

the day I got to run up all four Pratt and Whitneys*

there was no need to fly

I was airborne in ecstasy

I wonder what Columbus’ first day at the helm was like?


In many ways as an airplane mechanic in the United States Navy, I felt like I was on uncharted waters. I was one of two women in a P-3 squadron of 100 men. I never minded getting sooty or greasy, but I know it took years for the airmen to believe I was worth anything but something to look at. I enjoyed being a grease monkey when women were still doing “girl jobs.”



The prompt for Poet’s United Midweek Motif is Exploring.


Engine- photography moondust designs

Propeller – wikipedia 

P-3 in Flight Cybermodler 


17 thoughts on “Looking Beyond #poetry #aviation #columbusday

  1. Wow, I am impressed with you having been an airplane mechanic. So true that there is nothing wrong with a little blood mixed with oil. Smiles. I can understand each day being an adventure for you. What great memories!


  2. How totally cool and interesting that you were an airplane mechanic. How did I miss that in our interview? LOL. Love this poem and can well imagine it took “the guys” a while to recognize you were for real.


  3. An airplane mechanic!!! You’re a multi-talented woman indeed 🙂 and I like the way you’ve expressed your exploration and friendship with the machines… 🙂

    Yeah, it needs more than talent for a woman to establish herself in the world of men…the scenario is same in every country…worldwide…


  4. This poem shows how you learned your way around engines: with an undefeatable spirit of hands on exploration. I doubt Columbus had so much love, though he may have had enthusiasm. I love this!


  5. Kudos Moonie….!! This depicts a woman’s passion and deep determination. Beautiful !! 🙂
    Being a professional aircraft mechanic, you are very well respected on PU….A nice read!!


  6. Your job is a discovery all the time! A lady in a man’s world has to prove twice as much to get to half the destination. It has been a trail blazing venture and adventure, I’m sure. Well done Leslie!



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