The Ultimate Sacrifice #memorialday

soldier's helmet

Wind beats at the flag above the memorial

nothing still about the death of these lads

they stood impossible ground

defying the odds as they fought

as the storm raged they trudged

I lift my eyes unable to stifle a tear

names of men that I will never know

who died that I might enjoy freedom

air force memorial

Today we celebrate those who died not just in service to our country but because they believed in the cause of freedom. I salute their bravery in thanks.


Main Street USA #poem #VeteransDay


I went to Main Street today

some of the old buildings

from the past century were gone

newly painted signs marked the street

boys and girls jubilant cries

mothers and fathers

sang the same favorite song

as the veterans marched by


I went to Union Square today

they always did know about celebration

stars and stripes buntings fluttered

men hawked “freedoms” wares

traffic on Market Street was blocked

the air filled with anticipation

as we heard the drums coming toward us

horses  carried their warriors proudly


I went to the “L” &  “N” street of our Golden State today

the light posts bore bear and star  stripped flags

the spacious Capitol’s  lawns

were covered with colorful chairs

some had chosen a prize spot the night before

we would honor those who had served

arm and arm as comrades

our hails and shouts they deserve


I went to Pennsylvania Ave D.C. today

imagining heroes in full uniform array

proud of the country they had served

and what I saw brought a tear to my eye

a flyer promoting something in another language

hurried past  from some weekend event

 red white and blue errant candy wrappers blew

only ghosts of veterans showed up for parades of yesterday


It is a sad commentary when your nation’s leaders look the other way for an event / holiday that celebrates the men and women who have served and protected them. I planned for the first time to attend the big event in my Nation’s Capitol, but there will be no parade today in our nation’s capitol. Veterans like myself will obviously gather around monuments for a moment of silence. I will hum the “Star Spangled Banner” and perhaps “America” with camoflaged shadows too little recognized as heroes.

I salute you who have served : Army, Air Force, Marines, Coasties and a special thanks to the men and women of the Navy who have kept our seas and skies safer…

 Each of you deserve a salute, smile and attaboy!


Looking Beyond #poetry #aviation #columbusday

airplane engine


First day on the job

put away the dog eared manuals

unbutton the cowling

I muse:

she’s bigger in real life than the pictures

“no, I don’t need a rag

I’m not afraid of a little grease”

my hands caress her

cutting myself on a sharp edge

first blood spilt

I smile as my blood merges with oil

reminds me when friends became pinky pals

each day was an adventure

each flight paradise

the day I got to run up all four Pratt and Whitneys*

there was no need to fly

I was airborne in ecstasy

I wonder what Columbus’ first day at the helm was like?


In many ways as an airplane mechanic in the United States Navy, I felt like I was on uncharted waters. I was one of two women in a P-3 squadron of 100 men. I never minded getting sooty or greasy, but I know it took years for the airmen to believe I was worth anything but something to look at. I enjoyed being a grease monkey when women were still doing “girl jobs.”



The prompt for Poet’s United Midweek Motif is Exploring.


Engine- photography moondust designs

Propeller – wikipedia 

P-3 in Flight Cybermodler 


Memorial #memorialday #sacrifice #poetry


Your footsteps

trudging in the sand

made all the difference

your sacrifice

saved many a life

gave us freedom

we fly a flag

we sing your praise

cannons boom

 never will they repay

nor can my heart  say

ample thanks

salute your bravery

for in  one moment

your sacrificial deed

made all the difference


I salute brothers and sisters who served in the Navy, Marines, Army, Air Force.

Those who serve do so with a love for their country no matter the cost.

We did it for freedom for LIFE!

Her Name is Crimea #Ukraine #poetry


a yellowed, antique lace veil

shivers in the breeze

once worn by her babushka

she fingers the edges lovingly

grateful her once blue eyes

now opaque having seen too much


ancient green fields waved

once welcoming mariners

adventurers from distant lands

now scarred and impotent

 battleships crouch as lions

poised, ready for action


limp and lifeless flag

tattered blue and yellow

 an emblem of a scourged, reclaimed land

freed from cold, iron curtains

no breeze left to breathe into life

red machinations alone stir the air

Ukrainian Flag is an image I found on Andrey Bondarchuks’s facebook page. by Kaska Szapska.

Salute You #Veteransday #poetry #Navy

Do you remember?

Crisp uniform

tailored to you

swearing to serve your country

“I solemnly swear”

and you meant it!


Do you remember

When the seiousness of your vow

made sense?

 soldier, sailor, marine, airman

“I will serve my country…”

A clean innocent smile, once

I remember

The pride I felt

saluting my commanding officer

they toggled the switches on engine 1

they cranked up engine 2

number 3 blew our hats across the tarmack

the ship sweetly rumbled as number 4 came to life

Yes, every day could be my last

that is the risk we take

“… to serve my country”


I am a Veteran

and I believe

that the bell for freedom deserves to ring

that the next generation deserves safe borders

I salute each of you

Veterans – young and old

each of you placed yourself in harm’s way

to protect another

I am honored to have served

with you!


Veteran – The Real American Idol

It is the
not the preacher,
who has given us freedom of religion.

It is
not the reporter,
who has given us freedom of the press.

It is
not the poet,
who has given us freedom of speech.

It is
not the campus organizer,
who has given us freedom to assemble.

It is
not the lawyer,
who has given us the right to a fair trial.

It is
not the politician,
Who has given us the right to vote.

It is the

salutes the Flag,

It is
who serves
under the Flag.

(written by un-known)

Do you know someone who has served or is serving so that you can be safe? Thank those people who proudly serve.

A special thanks to brothers and sisters serving in the United States Navy – Anchors Away!!!

A Glimpse to the other side

The flight crew had been ordered to return to base as quickly as possible. There was a typhoon that they might avoid if they hurried. The co-pilot chuckled “hurry is one thing this baby doesn’t have in her vocabulary.” The pilot looked at the two starboard turbo prop engines and smiled. “She’ll get us home like she always does. This mama has a heart that I sometimes can feel beating.”

The captain called back over the intercom to the crew. “If you were expecting a smooth ride, belay that, we are in for a roller coaster ride.”

I smiled. I loved roller coasters;  I’d been flying in storms all my life in my Dad’s Cessna 150.

One of the guys gave me a bag. “In case you lose your lunch.”

“Thanks sailor.”

I really was enjoying the flight crew and had put in a request to get off the ground and get in the air. The flight engineer (FE) had recommended me to the commander as an asset to the squadron. He had written in his report “her mechanical skills would be an asset to any P-3 crew.” If the request went through, I would be the first female P-3 flight engineer.

We were starting to feel the effects of the storm. You couldn’t see a thing outside; it was  as black as night but this was an eerie darkness. At one point, the tail of the aircraft was picked up and it felt like we would do a somersault. Then the tail gently laid down. The sailor, who had handed out the bags, was puking his guts out as were most of the crew. I heard the captain and hoped the co-pilot could hold his together long enough for the captain to finish losing it.

I’d said my prayers before the flight so I wasn’t too worried about the outcome of our flight. There were several hands clasped tightly thinking this was it.

For a long moment, all was still. We thought we were through the worst. A  wind grabbed a hold of our craft and spun her. It sounded like the four engines were being yanked off the wings. With all the creaking and snapping , we should have been torn to bits.

Then – silence!  No noise.  Our interior lights were off and we were looking at each other. I unstrapped myself figuring “what more could happen?”  I looked outside the port window. The sea was golden and jewel- like. I held my breath – “this is heaven – how beautiful.” I wanted to open the door and climb on the wing and dance. The others were looking outside as well. Then I saw that the inboard #3 propeller was still turning.

I heard the flight engineer say, “turn up #2 engine – now!”

“What has happened?” One of the crew exclaimed.

“I guess we survived.” The cap said in an audible whisper.

“Are we in Oz?” another chuckled.

The pilot called back and said “we are flying about 100 feet over the Pacific guys.” Then we the welcome audience of nature. A pod of dolphins jumped from the water in dance with the sunshine. A whale spouted off to our starboard side, then another. A fleet of flying fish darted and jumped about the cresting waves. The golden rays filling the sky were magnificent.

Someone asked,” anyone getting shots of this?”

I grabbed the Olympus I had purchased in Japan and shot the dolphins, the inboard motor turning and a picture of the crew. Each face reflected something different- but on each was a sense of contentment, relief,  and gratitude for life.

I knew the camera could never capture the glimpse into paradise that day – a place of perfect peace where everything was right with the world. I did know  we would carry that sense of glory in our hearts.

As we planted our feet on the tarmac at Agana, International,  I handed the neatly folded barf bag back to my new friend.

“Maybe next time,” I smiled.

“Welcome to the crew – sailor,” he saluted.

Though this story is fictionalized- this event happened to our P-3 crew as we tried to skirt a typhoon in the South Pacific.  Men and women, in the armed forces,face not only the enemy, each day of their enlistment, but they face the forces of nature. Our crew safely made it through.

Tribute for Armed Forces Day (Saturday Story Hour)

To honor those who serve or have served.Please accept these poems and stories as a small gift of thanks!!!!

We wish to offer thanks

tho words can never say it all

you have given your time made a sacrifice

for our families down to ones so small

shout from  mountain tops splash in the sea

would never convey the gratitude

we’d like to give for being free

Tribute:  By Doubtful Poet

A Soldier’s Tale By Pete Marshall

Tribute to You Who Serve – Thank  You  By Alexi Romantic

A Glimpse to the other side
– By Moondustwriter

Memorial Pool

One red carnation
Adrift in a pool
Recalls the loved one
Plucked in their youth
Sent to a far-flung land
Lost in the name of liberty.

by Pamela Ferris-Olson
(in response to the WWII memorial on The Mall, DC)

Pam’s Blog Site: http://InTheHeartland3Women

Saturday Story Hour – In honor of those serving in our Armed Forces, and those at home -Police and Firefighters.



If you are a story-teller and would like to take part, I would love to have you join on the 1st and third Saturdays of the month. The 1st Saturday will be (open-ended) poems and stories for children; the 3rd Saturday will be thematic (theme posted the 1st Saturday.)

The first Saturday Story “Hour” will be a story (fiction or non-fiction) of any length given in tribute to those who serve and protect us (armed forces, police, firefighters. )

1.Join when you can and put a link (direct to your page) in the comment’s section.

2. Try to post Blog by Friday night (before the 1st or 3rd saturday.)

3. Please works must be original

This is a work in progress any input you can offer is appreciated.

Happy story telling.

Thanks to Ian Plump for the photos

That Certain Song (a poem)

That certain song

song from the past

takes me back

to a  feeling

when life was fast


Back to

those wild days

my memories revert

those boys

their so crazy ways


He was in the Navy

magical eyes of blue

Weir wolves of London

the song we knew


There was the athlete

sports car good looks

“Round About” by Yes


while we cooked


Then there was

“too hot”

what more could I say

“Sultans of Swing” – the Mustang

carried me away


Finally the man

who stole my heart

loved jazz

to him it was art


George Winston

the master

seasons said it all

one was my favorite

we married in the Fall

Photo: Stevecardman

License- Creative Commons