wire #children #atozchallange

man size stripes

children forced to bare

who will make this right

cold hard becomes the stare


wire cuts clean through

 innocence dies

sign our own doom

none believe the lies


children pay the price

no money can repay

history must think twice

there is a judgement day

My Focus this month is children. The Acholi people (and presently the So. Sudanese) hold basins of tears for children lost because of military despots. South Sudan has displace over 1 million children most are now orphaned. We try to help but wouldn’t it be easier to stop trying to destroy tomorrow’s hope because of today’s wire thin avarice?

Certainly we have learned very little from the  slaughtering of 1.5 million children in the Holocaust,


Photo from myjewishlearning.com


One Cannon #haiku #memorialday

rough log house

surviving century’s seasons

feather beds


beneath cool shade

verdant battlefield covers scars

blood stains


whistling through reeds

sun warms each blade of grass

soldiers memories

…And they fell. No matter the mother’s sorrow or the lover’s tears they could not be revived. Such is the fate of the fallen warrior. I chose to be grateful for the sacrifice and  the bravery.

Not Forgotten #memorialday #vets #poetry


corsair flag

Fill your lungs with tomorrow’s hope

close your eyes grasp at life’s soil

exhale a bouquet of gratitude

for those whose courage honorably spilled

precious offering for generations to come

Today we celebrate Memorial Day. It’s a day when children eat hotdogs, ride the ferris wheel, cast caution to the wind. It’s a day when young men choose their allegiance. It’s a day when old soldiers remember friends.


photo of  Arlington

Past the Horizon #poetry #photography


the master in search of one

who’s willful at the start

now cold and all alone

brings sadness to his heart

searching, mindful of the lost

never turning left nor right

against him darkness plots

to keep the one from sight

thorns bruise on journey’s way

still the master onward goes

willing with his life to pay

perfect love, he knows

sunk into the mire deep

the master’s pull is strong

the lamb can only bleat

as she is pulled from harm

the master in search of one

his mission always clear

death has no hold on love

the lost are each one dear



Today’s prompt at Poet’s United is Martyr. The definition is: “Someone who is killed for their religious beliefs.”

The shepherd in the Bible is used as an example of a person who will go far and wide for the love of the sheep. This same shepherd considers little the cost of this occupation. Somehow I feel that the martyr is like this shepherd – too busy in the search to worry about the sacrifice.

“O death where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?” 1 Corinthians 15:55







The Ultimate Sacrifice #memorialday

soldier's helmet

Wind beats at the flag above the memorial

nothing still about the death of these lads

they stood impossible ground

defying the odds as they fought

as the storm raged they trudged

I lift my eyes unable to stifle a tear

names of men that I will never know

who died that I might enjoy freedom

air force memorial

Today we celebrate those who died not just in service to our country but because they believed in the cause of freedom. I salute their bravery in thanks.


Worth Giving #sundaydevotion #poem

lost path

“Give your life away”

was all the message

had to say

it seems a cold hard voice

that makes me take

the sacrificial choice

But as you offer up your hand

another life has the

opportunity to stand

Every charitable act is a stepping stone toward Heaven.

Henry Ward Beecher

Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.

Look Up #poetry #devotion



They looked up to the sky

wondering how the birds might

Men in their minds worked

puzzling over to flight

Time after time they tried

always another glitch

falling apart at the seams

so unlike the finch

trials they persevered

eager to gain height

broken bones and wings

brothers were named Wright

higher and higher we fly

looking beyond the loon

forging a further frontier

what marvel to walk on the moon


It took commitment (day in and day out) for men who wanted to fly to build that dream. It takes (daily) commitment, a focus forward, and stamina to strive toward a relationship with our God.

“Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead.”

Philippians 3:13


Shared today with the folks at Poet’s United Poetry Pantry.


Memorial #memorialday #sacrifice #poetry


Your footsteps

trudging in the sand

made all the difference

your sacrifice

saved many a life

gave us freedom

we fly a flag

we sing your praise

cannons boom

 never will they repay

nor can my heart  say

ample thanks

salute your bravery

for in  one moment

your sacrificial deed

made all the difference


I salute brothers and sisters who served in the Navy, Marines, Army, Air Force.

Those who serve do so with a love for their country no matter the cost.

We did it for freedom for LIFE!