Look Up #poetry #devotion



They looked up to the sky

wondering how the birds might

Men in their minds worked

puzzling over to flight

Time after time they tried

always another glitch

falling apart at the seams

so unlike the finch

trials they persevered

eager to gain height

broken bones and wings

brothers were named Wright

higher and higher we fly

looking beyond the loon

forging a further frontier

what marvel to walk on the moon


It took commitment (day in and day out) for men who wanted to fly to build that dream. It takes (daily) commitment, a focus forward, and stamina to strive toward a relationship with our God.

“Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead.”

Philippians 3:13


Shared today with the folks at Poet’s United Poetry Pantry.