Silence (One Shot Wednesday) #poetry

The space between our words

almost as piteous

as the distance between

our hearts


Unbearable silence

when you abandon me

I am left enslaved

on a thought

for days


To measure loneliness

by absence

of sound

expounds emptiness


my heart is trapped

in this vacuum


will  be

my ruin

Each week One Stop Poetry aspires to join poets together to express and inspire. One Shot Wednesday is an open community for those who  love to write poetry.

83 thoughts on “Silence (One Shot Wednesday) #poetry

  1. Striking and all too true. It’s frightening how much power lies in words, especially when they become weapons; and their absence can hurt as much as their presence. Not a comfortable read, but a worthwhile one.


  2. A poem within a poem… so many layers to this, I felt the need for 3D glasses. It was jumping off the page, either way. Powerful, poignant poem on the dark side of silence.


  3. there is an intimate and comfortable silence and there is a silence like you describe in your poem – harmful and destroying…the same word…but miles and miles of distance in between – one sets free, the other enslaves..


  4. This is a powerful piece and even for those for whom words flow like a river, in some circumstances silence seems to be the only response even when words might break the barrier. I like your writing here.


    1. It’s true isnt it – we try to stay away from words to hurt less and at times it hurts more – that’s a conundrum


    1. have to admit there a certain poems that I like to intertwine with two statements – this one just lent itself so well – harder to do the more words you get


  5. love the first stanza and the spacing between words….and the image of distance between hearts…that can take so many forms….bkm


  6. well done…you captured that so well…i loved reading the words in bold also as the statement they made was also a damn fine read….silence…kinda like when you dont answer my emails…….just kidding….great one shot…pete


  7. Beautiful poem. Very haunting about the way silence can scream in our souls.
    Love these lines: To measure loneliness/by absence/of sound/expounds emptiness
    Great one shot.


  8. Ouch, ouch…the sparseness of this poem is almost hurtful! But that’s all to the good. The simplicity speaks volumes….

    lovely, evocative, reflective poem.

    Lady Nyo


  9. The deadly silence screams out for the sounds of love…. somehow I think we are disconnecting from each other and there is a struggle to regain what we once had… you’ve expressed this so well here. But should loving have to be a struggle?


  10. Silence is longed for when you are raising a house full of children, but, when it is granted, it can be oh so lonely… When my last child moved out, I cried for days, and what was funny, my husband would look at me and say, “but you still have me.” and I would cry harder…then one day, she and her husband moved back for a few weeks, and my joy was complete. It gave me time to adjust to her departure. So when they moved to there new apartment I was able to handle this move.


  11. Lonely…silence…and many depths dear sweet friend! Excellent writing/as I keep contemplating silences these days…seems to echo through ~ *Hugs April 🙂


  12. Nice poem. Thoughtful. But isn’t it the space between the words that make them readable? Couldn’t the same be said for silence?


  13. I’ve been here honey, the days where you really want to talk, but nothing will come so you sort of sit there in silence and think. When all you want is a great big hug ❤


  14. Sometimes it really is very difficult to say what came first! The silence, or the distance…
    A lovely profound poem indeed! I found the last verse very moving!!


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  16. Altho I think we all need silence, too much is indeed a ruin.

    Very touching.

    And guess what!?!??! I just saw you in your new gravatar!! So fun to finally see you. I thought you had dark skin and hair. But does it matter what we look like? It is the love within that makes us all.



  17. I loved the parallelling of the norm and the bold in their themes yet each expressing a slightly different emote. A great read indeed!


  18. Powerful words-I can surely relate to them. I understand that silent loneliness perfectly-and all the days worth of thinking that follows…you put it into words so effortlessly.


  19. “…almost as piteous as the distance between our hearts.”

    Wow. How often (and unfortunately) true that is. I hurt simply reading it.

    (and thanks also for visiting and commenting on my recent blog poem.)


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