Not Under a Tree #gifts #children #Christmas

Please enjoy this montage of poetry over the next several days. These true vignettes represent what I believe the true spirit of Christmas to b:

Generous the soul that gives

what little he possess

in such a manner shed a light

a heart the greatest gift



There was a boy not old nor young

of two sisters he was glad

He wasn’t strong nor was he weak

protective heart he had

There came a season barren, cold

his family had but little

warmth  abundant at the hearth

holidays always special

I’d known this boy a little time

a leader in the making

challenges were plenty big

cleft palate, one of many

bad was the year for all

our work was in the past

my children knew Christmas joy

in friendships that would last

gathered underneath our tree

bundled what we had

took shiny gifts and things

Merry, joyful, glad

love came too

that Christmas Eve

Six children

danced with glee

That little boy looked to my son

“like you someday I’ll be”

into his hand he placed his trust

“it’s Christmas time you’ll see”

what we learned that Christmas year

is hard to put to words

smiles tell a thousand things

with stars they sing the verse


Joyfuljoyfulwe adore thee, God of glory, Lord of love; Hearts unfold like flowers before thee, Opening to the sun above.


His Eye is on the Sparrow #sundaydevotion

Ah spring

fancy dresses are shaken out

girl’s eyes flutter there’s no doubt

waiting for the the band to begin


the dance floor full of hope

hard work of building complete

so the weary can get off their feet

moves  come naturally


fluttering wings of all sizes

white and yellow butterflies flit

bright red cardinal zip

nature energized by the sun


poppies, begonias, pansies

wave their fancy fans

like dowager aunts

they approve of the flurry


so many reminders

of springs now passed

new life here at last

makes everyone giddy

While I was planting my garden and enjoying the ritual of spring, I thought about the verses in the Bible that talk about birds and flowers. The birds don’t concern themselves with what they are to eat; they also have no need to practice or lay out a plan for their mating ritual.

The flowers don’t need to worry about their clothing but they also aren’t concerned with how and where they are planted.  They are confident, when it is time, that they will be watered, the sun will shine and they will grow.

Today I saw a bigger “value” to those verses: nature  doesn’t (even on dire days) plan or worry about the next ten years of wind, snow, sun, rain, hurricanes… They know they are cared for!!!

When my children were young and we were urban missionaries, the money we raised was enough to pay the rent and the utility bill. But what about food, bandaids, and clothing?

  • Each month we received anonymous certificates to buy groceries.
  • On occasion, I would find an envelope with money on my desk from a volunteer (paid for stuff like bandaids.)
  • The clothes for the children were hand me downs and my husband had plenty of clothes and shoes. I on the other hand had enough clothes to fit in a small luggage. I never thought “what will I do when my clothes wear out?”
    What I did notice, when we left ministry, was that all my clothes sprouted holes. I realized that clothes that are worn every single day rarely last for 10 years. A secret: I was never better taken care of then when I had nothing!!!

We need to be reminded that we have a God with great big loving hands who shelters us from more than we know and provides for us in unseen ways. Lean on Him when the days are stormy be thankful to Him when the days are good.

Luke 12:27-28

“Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; but I tell you, not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these. “But if God so clothes the grass in the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, how much more will He clothe you? You men of little faith!

Psalms 103:13-18

“Just as a father has compassion on his children, So the LORD has compassion on those who fear Him. For He Himself knows our frame; He is mindful that we are but dust. As for man, his days are like grass; As a flower of the field, so he flourishes.When the wind has passed over it, it is no more, And its place acknowledges it no longer. But the lovingkindness of the LORD is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear Him, And His righteousness to children’s children, To those who keep His covenant And remember His precepts to do them.”

Job 38:41

“Who prepares for the raven its nourishment When its young cry to God And wander about without food?

Matthew 10:29-31

“Are not two sparrows sold for a cent? And yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. “But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. “So do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows.”

P.S.  All of the above applies to our needs. If the birds of the air decided they wanted steak rather than seed, they would be disappointed. If the flowers wanted to wear Vera Wang, they would be forlorn.

Sharing with Godinterest

Holiday Cheer #scrooge #postaday #Christmas

A Christmas Carol Illustration 1938
Portrait of Scrooge by Everett Shinn


There I was out in the cold (again.)

Do the people who ask for holiday donations for the poor really know what it is like for us?

Do they do it so they can feel better when they sit down to a big fat goose?

I can’t wish them ill really I can’t. I just wish my belly could for one day a year be filled with something that didn’t come out of a can.

I would love to have one gift (even if it was fruitcake) that was wrapped with a red ribbon that I could spend a half hour opening.

I’m not that much different than you. Well yes my face is dirty and I’m missing a tooth (or two), but we all want similar things (warm beds, food for the kids, and a loving smile to say goodnight to.)

That’s not what you look forward to?

Ah yes you are part of the Scrooge Tide. It never changes just the amount that jangles in the pocket. During Ebenezer’s time, it was probably a jumble of coins worth fifty dollars (or 30 pound sterling). Now the sound is the inaudible click of plastic rubbing against plastic. Hmmm what is your credit limit? 2o,000, 100,000 for each card, unlimited…????

My limit is $10. No, that is not per day – that is per month. They all hoped I would just give up, dig the hole myself, and throw myself in it.

Not yet! You Scrooges out there with your long noses and beady eyes – your time will come!! Plastic cards will be worth nothing and you will be unable to rub them together to stay warm.

I’d like to toast you then with some holiday cheer. But we will wait. There is plenty of holly where I live to decorate the halls and I’m more than willing to share my can opener…


christmas carol title page


Today’s prompt at WordPress daily writing prompt is Ready Set Go. Take ten minutes and just write – then post. I did take a moment to correct spelling errors but aside from that this is a straight write.

Photograph images are of my copy of A Christmas Carol circa 1938.

Beneath the Tree #christmas #poverty #poetry

beneath the tree



at pictures

colorful memories

 early morning squeals

mouth-watering scents

and glittery anticipation

this year

tradition shattered

I  looked  at  pictures

tear  fused  with  the ink

unrecognizable monochrome blurs

replaced     the     jolly    scene

journey into


packages empty

the air was- the same

The  pictures  looked  at me

questions   disturbing   balance

where         are             the?

why aren’t there?

shaking my head

I tossed the picture beneath the space

where the tree would have been

I decided to write a series of poems in contrast to the traditional Christmas. This is written  from the insider’s vantage point.

Poverty’s Streets are the new Manhattan #poetry #photography


Poverty’s Streets are the new Manhattan

You want to change me

I don’t want your life

behind the wheel of a Benz

I like my two-speed bike

with peeling paint

no one wants to steal it

like they steal your unoriginal ideas

I don’t need a copyright

on my street art

it’s free

when they paint over it

I have a clean canvas

and plenty of cans

what happens when your money

is printed on soup can labels?

your gold-plated life

peals and all that is left is blank?

what will you have

when Manhattan

is just another ghetto?

Here’s the Daily Post Challenge:

Click over to your favorite blog, and pick out the 4th and 14th words (that aren’t “the” or “an”). Drop them into this phrase:

“_____ is the new _____.”

There’s your post title. Now write!

Photographers, artists, poets: show us BLANK.

Inspired by my friend Charles Martin

Check out other inspired works:

  1. My.Vivid.Visions | Daily Prompt: ______ is the new ______
  2. Blank | The Magic Black Book
  3. Daily Prompt: Wow is the new Comeback! | Under the Monkey Tree
  4. Daily Prompt: Husband is the New Cook
  5. Home Cookin’ | The Ambitious Drifter
  6. “Picture” is the new “World” | The Silver Leaf Journal
  7. Luscious is the new Deep… | alienorajt
  8. play is the new play | wannabepoet
  9. Place Your “Was” In “Solitary” | The Jittery Goat
  10. Blogging is the new lunch | Going New Places!
  11. Write One If You Can | Kansa Muse
  12. Time is the new capturing | Motherhood and Beyond
  13. ••Me is the new Seeking•• | ♏ℰt•ⓐRVhℰℰ•n✪iⓐ
  14. A is the New Mom | submissivelysecret
  15. Blank | The Nameless One
  16. HIGH is the new YOU | JC Bride ~
  17. Ugly is the new Beauty | મન ની વાત
  18. 203: Traffic is the New Hell | Barely Right of Center
  20. Difficult is the new to understand | crookedeyebrows
  21. Daily Prompt: ______ is the new ______ | littlegirlstory
  22. Phoneography weekly: Interior floor and ceiling | We Live In A Flat
  23. Daily Prompt: _____ is the new _____ « Mama Bear Musings
  24. Still drawing blanks | Just Visiting This Planet
  25. Happier is the new Knight? Blank Blank BLEEP Blank. | RPMAS
  26. Blank Post… | Haiku By Ku
  27. Daily Prompt: Time is the New Jackass | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss
  28. Just Leave Me a Clone! part one: Rob is the New Rob | Rob’s Surf Report
  29. Daily Prompt: Calm Is The New Scream | Awl and Scribe
  30. Daily Prompt: Grandmother is the new Kid. | My Atheist Blog
  31. Clean is the New Way | Manresa, Maine
  32. DP: Park is the new Simpsons | The Deepwater Goldfish
  33. Poverty’s Streets are the new Manhattan #poetry #photography | Moondustwriter’s Blog
  34. Daily Prompt: Birthday is the new Honour | studyinscarlett
  35. Daily Prompt: ______ is the new ______ | terry1954
  36. “Winter is the new rock.” | The Seminary of Praying Mantis
  37. Helm is the new win (fiction) | Life is great
  38. Weekly Rambling | Flowers and Breezes
  39. Fat is the new self? No. This just will not do. | thoughtsofrkh
  40. Daily Prompt: Myself is the new sit « hopeforheather
  41. Tumblr is the new love: obsessive photo followers | All work and quite a lot of play
  42. Back is the new Bank | Extraordinary Living Blogs
  43. Daily Prompt: ______ is the new ______ | Moments Thru Lens
  44. Elitists are the New Fashion Dictators……(wp daily prompt) | Daily Observations
  45. Blank | ashwitaashok
  46. Commercials are the New Propaganda | djgarcia94
  47. Daily Prompt: Color is the new expression | Processing the life
  48. Favorite Is The New Word | Life Confusions
  49. Daily Prompt | tnkerr-Writing Prompts and Practice
  50. Daily Prompt: Distance is the new Rainbow | To Breathe is to Write
  51. Often is the new Questions | meanderedwanderings
  52. Daily Prompt: _____ is the new _____ | Steve Says….

Travel with me #photography #poetry

All over the world

have I gone

each pin on the map

a smiling face

where you belong

your homes you opened

dirt floor or no

tiny rooms

on a small lift

you go

living with you

no matter no where

showed a window to love

generous people who cared

I have travelled all over the world. In many of my sojourns I have been welcomed into the homes of the people I have worked with. I have slept in a 1950 milk truck, the upstairs of a church, the dirt floor of an orphanage,..

Daily Post Prompt: If you could pause real life and spend some time living with a family anywhere in the world, where would you go? Anywhere / the world is filled with gracious people with open arms.

Photographers, artists, Anywhere / the world is filled with gracious people with open arms.poets: show us TRAVELS.

Photography images the © property of L. moon 2013

Ahh the delightful places people have gone:

  1. Black and White | Warm memories from the heart of Mother Russia
  2. Berries | Inside My Glitching Mind
  3. A wandering emerald | MC’s Whispers
  4. Phoneography Weekly: Moments in the Airport | We Live In A Flat
  5. On the Road « Geek Ergo Sum
  6. Living in a Teletubby house in Spain… | The Rider
  7. Back to the womb | alienorajt
  8. Daily Prompt: On the Road | Under the Monkey Tree
  9. Daily Prompt: On the Road « Mama Bear Musings
  10. My own moon viewing platform. | The Ambitious Drifter
  11. Daily Prompt: On the Road | Life as a country bumpkin…not a city girl
  12. Ships | Hope* the happy hugger
  13. Daily Prompt: On the Road #photography | ThisCornerOfTheWoods
  14. A Family | Barefoot on Rainy Days
  15. Daily Prompt: On the Road | Charles Ray’s Ramblings
  16. Island Chick [Daily Prompt: On the Road] | unknowinglee
  17. Monarch Butterfly (Travels) | photo potpourri
  18. If Interviewed By Barbara Walters | The Jittery Goat
  19. Welcome to Hobbiton | A Short A Day
  20. Daily Prompt: On the road | My Endless Rants & Ramblings
  21. Daily Prompt: On The Road | Eikons
  22. “On the Road” | Relax
  23. Daily Prompt – Travels | paisleypedlar
  24. Cancel the Babysitter | Honey Did you See that?
  25. 187. Getting Away From It All | Barely Right of Center
  26. Daily Prompt: Travels | Chronicles of a Public Transit User
  27. Daily Prompt: On the Road | lifebeinggirly
  28. Immersed In A Culture | Tony’s Texts
  29. Daily Prompt: On the Road | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss
  30. A Side of France Beyond Paris | peonies and pistachios
  31. Beginning of Civilization | crookedeyebrows
  32. Visiting offspring | Sue’s Trifles
  33. Travels | Rebecca Barray
  34. Where in the world is Rob’s Surf Report? | Rob’s Surf Report
  35. Midnight Train: Daily Prompt | Finicky Philly
  36. My Kinda Stupid: Travelling The Hard Way | Just Visiting This Planet
  37. Blossoming in Korea | Broken Light: A Photography Collective
  38. Travellers lost | Random Encounters of an Inquisitive Mind
  39. Don’t Let it Slip | Journey to the Centre of My Heart
  40. Off To The Burrow! | amateurxpress
  41. Eye on the Road with the Heart at Home | In Scarlet Ink
  42. Daily Prompt: On the Road | My Atheist Blog
  43. The Holy Land | Life is great
  44. The Summer “Challenge” | It’s a wonderful F’N life
  45. One Starving Activist
  46. Daily Prompt: On the Road – Adopt me please! | SERENDIPITY
  47. Lesson learnt | The Otter in my Jotter
  48. Daily Prompt: On the Road | The Land Slide Photography
  49. Halo Veronica! | Compass & Quill
  50. DailyPrompt: Australia | viver para contar
  51. On the Road: Venice, a Nonet | Danny James
  52. The Travels I Have Been | Flowers and Breezes
  53. Somewhere Peaceful | Lost in Adeline’s
  54. Daily Prompt: On the Road | cagedbutterfly1
  55. On the Road | The Nameless One
  56. pause to live | sarahscapes
  57. Imagination; Always a Destination…(WP daily prompt) | Daily Observations
  58. Off to join the circus… | notsinglebutnothappy
  59. Up and Above vs. On The Road / Daily Prompt | Communication For Development
  60. UAE; my Disneyland, frankly. | Perhaps yes, perhaps no. Exactly? I don’t know.
  61. RENAME THAT NASTY FEELING | Emotional Fitness
  62. World tour | A mom’s blog
  63. Dear Daily Prompt, You did it again… « RPMAS
  64. ? | A Day in the Life
  65. Daily Prompt: On the Road | Jasper Smits
  66. Daily Prompt: On the Road | To Breathe is to Write
  67. Biking the World | readingwithafeather
  68. Actually I’d rather be somewhere I can escape the unfamiliar. | thoughtsofrkh
  69. Off the Road | The Silver Leaf Journal
  70. Daily Prompt: On the road | The Alternative Dream
  71. a man and his word | Musings of a Random Mind
  72. No way back from Africa: the road to Hunter’s Lodge | Tish Farrell
  73. Daily Prompt: On The Road…to Greece I Go |
  74. Daily Prompt Challenge ~ Travels | soletusknow
  75. Beach House | Incessant Ramblings
  76. Daily Prompt: On the Road to? | @ The West Gate
  77. Daily post: Where in the world | helen meikle’s scribblefest
  78. What if I called Mars home? | Okay, what if ?

I remember… #writing #writingchallenge

bucket of tears

memories cascading over memories

caught in a 3 by 3 black and white image

toddling in white

the camera moves forward

or is it backward

capturing the larger scene

tears that fall like waterfalls

the smallness of her age cannot

gather the drops in her bucket

so she looks to the source

and smiles

sun beams radiate from her face

the tears continue to flow

but in that radiance there is a goal

the camera pans out further

a man carries off his belongings

in two boxes and a large suitcase

he doesn’t look back

at the toddler in white

or the waterfall

steam rises off his black car as he zooms away from us


years later my fingers caress the silk ties he left behind

to me that is hope he will return

she knows in her heart the date and occasion that each tie was given to him

but there are no more waterfalls

just a desert wasteland

of dried up emotion

my white togs grow grey with time

and poverty overwhelms us

and yet we are happy

in a simple world of black and white

brown and grey

the camera pans over a sea of paint

little fingers dabble

a woman’s hands portray life

on canvas after canvas

and life and hope and even a bit of love are reborn

upon a brush filled with color

the camera pans back

walls hold colorful beauty

eyes and smiles peruse the canvas

we still can’t always get enough money for clothing or food

but the stories on the paint filled canvases

are more



for this not so little girl

and her talented mother

This is an unedited freewriting exercise inspired by Krista at wordpress weekly writing challenge. The two requirements: write about a memory (starting with the words I remember), write for ten minutes.

Photograph: “Bucket of Tears” © L. Moon 2013


other wonderful writes:

  1. The Tides & Times- Good old days | Inception
  2. Earliest Memory | alienorajt
  3. Weekly Writing Challenge: I Remember 4th Grade | Under the Monkey Tree
  4. Weekly Writing Challenge : I remember | Valley Girl Gone Country
  5. Weekly Writing Challenge : I remember | Valley Girl Gone Country
  6. Weekly Writing Challenge: I remember | Improving Slowly
  7. DPChallenge | Weekly writing challenge | I remember…. | thechymeeradiaries
  8. Daily Post’s Writing Challenge | Bloggeta
  9. Weekly Writing Challenge: I remember | Stay Awake
  10. Weekly Writing Challenge: I Remember My Father Passing « IF I ONLY HAD A TIME MACHINE
  11. The Moose | A Sign Of Life
  12. I remember… | HRHDana
  13. I Remember | A Little Fluff
  14. Weekly Writing Challenge: I Remember Before Words | SERENDIPITY
  15. I remember | Sue’s Trifles
  16. Weekly Writing Challenge: I remember | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss
  17. I remember random | antfantasy
  18. Intercontinental Hooping Express | Mary Hoops
  19. I remember… #writing #writingchallenge | Moondustwriter’s Blog
  20. Weekly Writing Challenge | BeYouToday-Wellness

I Shed a Tear #lyrics #poetry #world

I shed a tear

for the heartbreak in our world

I shed a tear

for all the things left undone

I shed a tear

for  little hands with no holds

I shed a tear

for small feet that are cold


Life may seem so simple

but for the sufferer  only pain

so I shed a tear

oh I shed a tear

for those who cannot come

out of the rain


I shed a tear

for  all the ways that  I’ve failed

I shed a tear

tho at times to no avail

I shed a tear

for the hands I did not hold

I shed a tear

for stories left untold


Life may seem so simple

when we first make our start

I shed a tear

oh I shed a tear

for the shards in my heart

I shed a tear

yes I shed a tear

there’s still hope for new starts

As a singer, my singing was always compared to Carly Simon. I have never thought that the songs I have written reflected her but I do believe this one does in a rudimentary sense. As an advocate, I aspire to give a hand of hope to the downtrodden. May it never be too late to help the little ones.

Here’s to all those tears that need to be recycled to water the pain in our world

More Than Food On Thanksgiving #microfiction

We gather together to ask the Lords blessing…

I heard the song and heard her singing, I had not heard her in more than two decades

She taught me to count my blessings

“I’m trying to remember grandmama

some days are more difficult than others”

I delivered several boxes filled with food for Thanksgiving for a struggling family of 8.

No one knew that on Thanksgiving all I had were two cans of soup, a box of cereal and a quart of milk

“…I ask for your blessing dear Lord”

Thanks to Jenny Matlock for hosting Saturday Centus each week

A story in 55 – you are kidding right? ( Flash 55)

I knew poor it’s true but a bed, bathroom, and love – always there for two.

He took me home he entreated don’t expect too much.  No water hot nor cold- no heater coil to touch.

One room for the four between the walls. Food was scarce – love was too.

The title “family” that was all.

Thanks to Mr. Know It All For Another Week of 55 words