Aerodynamic #writing #aviation #poetry

airplane wing

Lift, weight, drag

nature needs no calculation

elements take flight


birds effortless soar

seasons provide inspiration

view from the eyrie


uncontrolled the wind

my mind shifts to the stars

blinded by moon dust

space shuttle


The prompt for Poet’s United Midweek Motif is “Wind Power.” 

Photo: Exhaust pipes Space Shuttle Discovery ©moondustdesigns 2014



The Moon’s Glow #poetry #life’slesson #amwriting

Moon by ShironekoEuro

Ah the harvest moon

filled with amber glow

release your source

unveil your love

pour dust upon my soul


gazing down she softly smiles

her radiant all the more

adore me not

you star fazed one

gaze upon life’s shore


I smile into childlike eyes

I but a mirror grand

I gather light into my self

joyous to sit

upon sun’s night stand


look up into radiant  light

take in his daily glow

bask in his warmth

no matter what the day

his love for you will show

The harvest moon shot is by Shironekoeuro ck the site for more amazing photography

Written in Moon Dust #poetry #love

Written in Moondust
Written in Moondust


I shake last night from my head
memories linger bright like the sun
a warm brush with moon light
Her glowing tendrils of hair reflect gold
lips speak  whispers into my ear
my heart with her is never cold
She leaves an imprint behind
There's a knowing "she will return"
to hold me in her arms
beam love through me
I think about her beauty from the inside out
her words I hold in my hands
they are clearly
Written in silvery moon dust

The Secret of the Moon (#oneshotwednesday #poetry)

There’s a secret there

just behind the gibbous moon

her smile hides

don’t look too soon


Do you see her lips

the way they curl

men’s hopes and dreams

meant to unfurl


Bacchanal display

of love and such

all conveyed

in a moon-lit touch


She’ll dance and sing

for you alone

but you will never

have her heart of stone


Too late for you

for you’ve  consumed

imbibed the golden draught

of the elusive moon

Join the One Stop Poetry team for another week of fantastic poetry. You are welcome to share a poem by linking in or read the fantastic writing shared each week.

Love the picture: Nasa was searching for moon dust – so am I *

Beat the Dawn 160

Sprinkle  dust dear

it really needs to be done

but mother she begs

it’s doesn’t seem time

soon the light will come on

and your shine on the moon

needs to beat the dawn


for more stories in 160 go to Monkey Man

thanks to the Alenses for the delightful dawn photo

Written in Moon Dust

As I shake last night from my head

Remembering the depth of the moon light

Her glowing tendrils of hair reflect gold

lips speak – a whisper in my ear

my heart with her is never cold

she leaves an aura behind

feeling she will be back

to hold me in her arms

beam love into my hands

I think about her beauty

from the inside out

her words are dear

she leaves me a note

“I love you”

Thanks to Earnst Vikne for the photo