Bluster and Blow #autumn #tanka

Novel treatment – Using an unusual or original poetic conception

Among the 26 examples is the poem by Fujiwara Motozane (ca 950) from the Shinkokinshū, #11:1060:

namidagawa / mi mo uku bakari / nagaruedo / kienu wa hito no / omoi narikeri

a river of tears
floats my body off
on its current
but it cannot quell the fire
you have set in my heart

As we look closer to this tanka (or waka) we can see in the first lines what is meant here “a river of tears floats my body off” This sounds unusual, but it is used for poetic conception to make the emotion stronger in this tanka.


wind playing the blues

all color runs together

trees stripped bare

crows circle on backs of leaves

imagination takes flight

Thanks to Carpe Diem Haiku Kai and the inspiring Tanka challenge.

To all my friends I have taken a longer than expected haitus as we finish a remodel, a sale and a move. I realize this tanka (unintentionally) symbolize my life as my colors have all turned into cardboard box brown. ~ Namaste

Aerodynamic #writing #aviation #poetry

airplane wing

Lift, weight, drag

nature needs no calculation

elements take flight


birds effortless soar

seasons provide inspiration

view from the eyrie


uncontrolled the wind

my mind shifts to the stars

blinded by moon dust

space shuttle


The prompt for Poet’s United Midweek Motif is “Wind Power.” 

Photo: Exhaust pipes Space Shuttle Discovery ©moondustdesigns 2014



Dance with the Windmill #haiku #poetry


wind teases paddles

dizzy is the windmill dance

child’s dress billows


Don Quixote

a windmill joust

giggle in the breeze

There is something fanciful about the windmill as it plays with the wind. The prompt at Carpe Diem is Windmills.

I Wanted to share that submissions are now open for the project for the children orphaned by Ebola. All poets and haiku poets welcome to share their voice!

brown background

Wind Blown #devotion #poetry #photography

Between the panes it reaches

irrespective of my will

it howls in singular tone

ties my tongue, I feel ill

icy it tantalizing streaks

lookout for those to spill

through the woods it shrieks

and I cold and all alone


As we traverse life, there will always be those cold icy patches that reach out to trip us and at times we fall. In His grace, God picks us up and gives us refreshment maybe even some sunshine. Last year I fell on some nasty ice and had a bad break. The day I finally ventured out, I fell again spraining the remaining limbs. This winter I was afraid to go out if there was any snow or possible ice. I am learning to not be timid rather to be prepared with the right gear. Isn’t that how life is? A trial lays us flat and we want to just stay in the fetal position. We must prepare ourselves and bravely face each day.

 Psalm 23:4

“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff they comfort me.”

James 1:2-8

“Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind. …”

 Philippians 4:6-7

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

More verses for trial filled days:

This Isn’t Kansas #poetry #storms

aug redshoes021

Steadfast I’m Whipped around

facing where I had begun

grasping for a rail

there’s a wolf upon my trail

grabbed and turned again

not sure where I have spinned

troubled are the leaves

this wind more than a breeze

forward I must go

grasp you pull me through

like a needle through a thread

dusty gloom causes dread

whip me once again

I wish Id been prepared

I’ll flutter with the trees

and shudder on my knees

howling through my ears

there’s nowhere left to flee

chills me to the bone

storms gathered up my home

unlike the fairy tales

no red heels here to save

life has left the grave

hold me while I scream

Nowaki (windstorm) #haiku #poetry #photography

touched by the wind

storm waves part our path in two

left to walk alone

Kristjaan at Carpe Diem has done a lovely job of sharing a picture of kigo Nowaki and in the process has taken a walk in the storm with Basho. Enjoy Nowaki inspirations here 


Photography: Monterey Sands in black and white © L. Moon

Holding On #haiku #photography

pencil bird

Perched on life’s branch

Wind buffets about your wings

Confident you hold


Confident you hold

waves crest in foamy anger

storms don’t last forever

Today the prompt for Carpe Diem is Fortitude. For July, Kristjaan is pulling inspiration from the book “Manuscript found in Accra” by Paulo Coelho.  I was inspired by a bird who during a very bad storm wrapped its feet about a low branch of a young tree and hung on as the winds did blow.

Summer Rain Drops #haiku #photography

leaf drop

Shield me from the rain

winds try to tear me from you

soft green sanctuary


Soft green sanctuary

broad green leaf hold fast the rain

waiting for the sun


This post in celebration of the mid-summer rain known as Samidare inspired by Kristjaan at Carpe Diem

photography “Leaf Drops” copyright.  L. Moon 2013